By Anonymous - 08/10/2015 02:31 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, I found out I'm allergic to mosquito repellent. I fly out on a two month trip to India on Saturday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 624
You deserved it 2 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't there a little clip on mosquito repellent that you don't have to spray on your body?


I'm mosquito and I find this offensive.

(this is so op will see.) look up natural repellents you can make my mom has some it makes you smell like pickles but works great?

24, I'm offensive and I find this mosquito.

That sucks OP. Whenever I get bit by a mosquito I get a rash so bad it usually covers the entire limb that I was bit on. Hope your trip goes well!

I doubt this is real. How could OP go 15+ years (assuming he's older than that) without using bug spray?

Isn't there a little clip on mosquito repellent that you don't have to spray on your body?

There are some natural alternatives too, even taking the B1 supplement for a while

I was told in no uncertain terms never to trust that stuff by the doctor, the travel nurse and the guy trying to sell it.

Oh man... I hope you can identify what exactly you are allergic to in the repellent and find something else to use instead! I'm sorry OP :-/. At least you found out before you get there though!

there are alternatives!! that does suck though :/ hope you find something that works for you!

I live in India, and actually, the mosquito scene here isn't as bad as it's mase out to be. Plus, the number of mosquitoes decreases drastically during the winter. I think OP will survive.

I have used lemongrass oil (citronelle), just a little dab on each wrist, neck, middle of the back and stomach, on each thigh and on top on each foot. It works for me. I just make sure I reapply every night, maybe twice. Plus I smell great with the oil. The scent can be strong at first but it's enough to put just a tiny tiny tiny amount on each spot. There are other oils like peppermint, eucalyptus and more.

30, I think mosquitoes tend to go for those that aren't from the same area as them, so those on holiday are tastier than those that are local. That and from my own experience they prefer paler skinned people (they go for my mum and sister who burn in the sun rather than me who tans instead).

Lemongrass (Citronella) might be what OP is allergic to. Its found in a lot of mosquito repellents.

Actually, #80, I'm going to have to disagree with you on the latter. My best friend is darker than me, and whenever we're out at night, if there are any mosquitoes around, they make it a point to attack her. My theory is that they go for fleshier people. I'm actually underweight, and so is my mum. Mosquitoes generally tend to avoid the both of us. Also, do forgive me for the typo. I meant made, not mase.

Isn't there any other brands that doesn't contain what you're allergic to? Ask a doctor.

There has to be a alternative you can use to repellent. Otherwise you're gonna have to wear a mosquito net all the time.

trellz17 19

That would be hilarious to see.

It depends where in India you go, but when I went I saw almost no mosquitos. As long as you're on anti malarials and sleep with a net or in closed rooms you'll be fine

Dengue is running in India like wild fire, maybe that's why its an FML moment

you got to get your facts right! Dengue is insome parts of New Delhi. nothing like "wild fire in India".

I had the same problem of being allergic to store-bought repellents, so I made my own. If you can get peppermint oil, lemon oil, and vanilla extract then just mix two tablespoons of peppermint and vanilla then three-four of lemon.

blazerman_fml 17

I heard rubbing toothpaste on your private parts can work miracles too! :D