By Anonymous - 08/10/2015 02:31 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, I found out I'm allergic to mosquito repellent. I fly out on a two month trip to India on Saturday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 619
You deserved it 2 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't there a little clip on mosquito repellent that you don't have to spray on your body?


There are plenty of natural repellents out there...just look on Pinterest!

depends on which city you are planning to visit I live in Mumbai and it's not all bad here. you should be scared of the temperature. mosquitos should be the least of your concerns.

True! Haha! I'm from Bathinda and honestly didn't get bitten when I went to visit. How's heat out there now?

there are both good and bad days #OctoberHeat we just hope it rains more often than not! what's up with bhatinda?

Well that's unfortunate. Hopefully you can find something that works for you. Even if you can't, the bites are usually not serious. I got a ton of them when I went to India last summer, but they healed pretty quick. I hope you have a good trip! :)

Britt125 16

It may just be like the deet in it, try something with a different active ingredient maybe? There's different options out there, you may be able to find something.

Winter is coming there too :) it's not that bad! I didn't get bitten at all when I went and I went in October as well! Apparently very humid out there tho. Have a fun and safe trip, OP! :)

hey OP, if possible for you to use, lavender is a natural bug repellent

There are different brands, get tested for allergies though to see if your not allergic to any of them

Use Lemon cologne. I'm currently working in Turkey, and it works better than repellent

Oh Just suck it up. They aren't that bad