By awkardtaco - 28/09/2018 13:30

Today, in spite of 2 different types of bug spray, underwear, and jeans, I discovered not one, but two mosquito bites on my vagina. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 623
You deserved it 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All mosquitoes who bite are female, so you basically got bitten by a lesbian vampire.

Are you sure they're...mosquito bites? I mean, tick and bedbug bites are very similar. Could look bigger/smaller depending if you're allergic or not. Both are itchy!


All mosquitoes who bite are female, so you basically got bitten by a lesbian vampire.

The mosquitoes must think you're ovulating.

You should meet Wasp Junk, it might be the start of something beautiful.

blightsight 10

Did you spray your couch? If not, ydi

Are you sure they're...mosquito bites? I mean, tick and bedbug bites are very similar. Could look bigger/smaller depending if you're allergic or not. Both are itchy!

boopingsnoot 24

I doubt you’d recognize a ******** even with a labeled photograph


Just be glad there wasn't a dead turtle down there.

I would suggest that you get these checked out... it’s weird that despite all of the protection you still got bitten. I never had that happen before.

I'm guessing she didn't get bit in her birth canal aka the vulva....

lol, people are going to think your "double clicking your mouse" when you have to scratch that itch in public