By Anonymous - 08/10/2015 02:31 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, I found out I'm allergic to mosquito repellent. I fly out on a two month trip to India on Saturday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 619
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Same thing different taste

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Isn't there a little clip on mosquito repellent that you don't have to spray on your body?


mosquitoes hate lemon grass, get a lemon grass spray,I got mine from scentsy.It's coconut lemon grass and works like a charm

If you can then get one of those mosquito nets to sleep in, and avoid wearing black. I live in Bangladesh ( it's right next to India just incase you didn't know) and I don't think Ive ever used mosquito repellant. You'll be fine, domt worry. Plus points for if you're A+ cause I am and mosquitos barely bite me.

Read the label and find something with different active ingredients! Worth a try!

citronella essential oil, tea tree essential oil, peppermint oil all mixed in water. all natural bug repellant. Just Google essential oil bug repellant. May not work as well as 100% DEET but better than nothing.

B-12. Start taking it now. Mosquitos don't like it for some reason. Also look into natural mosquito repellant.

Order some Skin So Soft from Avon. Works great, smells good, and is very mild on your skin. I even dilute it with water and spray it on my dog to protect her from them when we go camping.

I hope you get other altenatives. Welcome to India though ;) ( ps some places dont require mosquito repellants.)

Mosquitoes hate the chemicals in dryer sheets so slip a couple in your pocket. If you are going camping or are somewhere you can have a fire, sprinkle some basil on the fire. The smell drives mosquitoes away.

Ask locals if there's a plant or something that'll help, when I was in Finland we had a plant that if you hit yourself all over they generally stay away, they probably have something like that