By Luna - 22/07/2012 02:30 - United States - Carmel

Today, I found a tick half-buried in my nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 687
You deserved it 3 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

I think you should get checked out for lime disease.....

I bet that really ticked you off..!... I got nothing... I like nipples.


I found a nipple half-buried in my tick once.

I found one on my ball sack before but if I had to choose a spot on my body I guess I'd rather have it on my nipple

KEEP THE TICK TO SEND FOR LYME DISEASE/OTHER TICK-BORNE DISEASE TESTING!!!!!! I cannot stress this enough. Almost the same thing happened to me, and I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from it (which is very similar to Lyme Disease). The tick wasn't kept for testing when it was extracted from me, and I later got very ill. It took 2+ years of pain and misery before I was diagnosed, and I almost died before finally receiving the right treatment. If you treat it properly with antibiotics right away, you can get rid of the diseases, but if you leave it too long, you are stuck with them for life. 9 years later I am still ill (although much better than before, thanks to treatment), and I don't want this to happen to anyone else when someone has the chance to avoid it. If you didn't keep the tick to get tested, GET YOURSELF TESTED for tick-borne diseases and if you are positive, make sure you get the antibiotics, because these diseases can ruin your life. I wish you all the best, OP.

Ive had ticks when little...luckily they were caught before they dug themselves in but thanks for posting this..i now know if i or someone else close to me gets one..I'm sorry you went thru this! Sounds horrible...glad your feeling better even if only a little bit...i wish u luck!!!

joshfuchs87 0

The things that happen in life....