By Anonyme - 22/12/2013 06:03 - France - Brunoy
Top comments
John Snow
With the H it's too obvious, imo. So his name shall be John. And to the OP, when you are having feasts, let him sit at the lord's table. You'll regret it if you don't.
Maybe she fancies your husband and is just trying to split you two up? Some people can be that psycho. Don't believe anything or assume until you have cold hard proof that the baby is your husband's and if it is then you have perfect grounds and proof for divorce if you wanted to go down that road. Either way this must be so hard on you and I'm sorry for the situation you are in. Best of luck for you and your child and hope everything turns out okay.
While there may be some people dumb enough to act so brazenly in this situation, I think it's much more likely that she's lying about it.
Well, in this day and age, I wouldn't say "much more likely." The odds are probably about even, to be honest.
Sue her if u found out that she lied.
She could also have a really skewered idea of what a half sibling is. I know it's a fairly common term, but she could of been brought up thinking little Timmy Tom Tom was her half brother because he was like part of the family. Like the others have said, you need to have a long discussion with your partner and do what's best for you and your family.
Your neighbour clearly had the intention to interfere with your marriage. You shouldn’t believe her without real evidence about your husband’s infidelity.
Maybe she meant they are like brothers because they are neighbors? Perhaps she doesn't realize what she actually said.
I now realize that this is a world FML, so any advice we try to give is a few years too late. Though I am interested to know the outcome, but I doubt the OPs of these are even notified of the world FML, if they're still active to begin with.
How could the child not be hers? If she was never pregnant and he got the neighbour pregnant wouldn't she know by him bringing home a baby? Especially so if she wasn't pregnant the same time as the neighbour? I feel it would also be next to impossible to plan the pregnancy of his neighbour and his wife's pregnancy to switch babies. I could have misread the op post, but from what I understand this would be next to impossible?
You have misread/misinterpreted the post. The neighbor is pregnant and has used particular words to imply this woman's husband has cheated and as a result, created a child with a woman who is not his wife. OP isn't pregnant, but already has a young son with her husband. OP is definitely the mother of her own son- she would know because she birthed him. If the husband has cheated, the neighbors child and OP's son would share a father and have different mothers- that's how they would be half brothers. I think you got confused and thought the children are both from the same mother? If the husband is the father, his wife will divorce him for breaking his marriage vows. However it's also possible that he has done nothing wrong and the neighbor is just a horrible person trying to interfere with their relationship (yes there are lots of people like that out there). Either way, OP is and will continue to be extremely stressed.
Yes I re-read it and saw my mistake, I have ADHD so I can skip over small details a lot.
I also fail to see how my comment got voted down even though I said I could have misread the op post.
Well, a lot can happen in the two days between your original comment and the reply explaining your understanding of your mistake. Also, people may be reacting to your original comment without having opened the replies thread to see your followup. Try no to take it to heart; a comment that gets voted down a lot is also an achievement in its way, though not as welcome as lots I've up votes.

Looks you need to have a chat with someone. That being said there is no certainty the kids share a father. Maybe a paternity test is in order if to confirm she is delusional or some one has been jumping the fence. Either way, good luck OP.
Maybe she fancies your husband and is just trying to split you two up? Some people can be that psycho. Don't believe anything or assume until you have cold hard proof that the baby is your husband's and if it is then you have perfect grounds and proof for divorce if you wanted to go down that road. Either way this must be so hard on you and I'm sorry for the situation you are in. Best of luck for you and your child and hope everything turns out okay.