By lonely_island - 28/04/2014 21:27 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, I finally worked up the guts to add the guy I like on Facebook. To make it less obvious, I added 15 other people as well. Everyone added me back, except him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 330
You deserved it 7 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

incoherentrmblr 21

Were you in a waiting room adding those people, to finally notice him sitting across you, add him, and eventually gasp when he muttered, "I don't want to be your friend"?...

Maybe he just doesn't get on the site often?


hmrhoades 18

Was he sitting across from you in the lobby at the doctor's office? =O

maybe in the flesh will be better. ;)

and if he's like most guys, the more flesh he can see the better

Romance and social media are never a good combination.

askullnamedbilly 33

Does he actually know you in real life and are you his friend? Some people take the 'add as friend' option to ACTUALLY mean friends, not people whose faces you vaguely remember seeing once. Try talking to him. It's going to give you a better chance at getting to know him than clicking through last summer's beach pictures anyway.

Unless you actually know OP how do you know it's his loss? I'm not trying to be a dick or anything but you're assuming that OP is this amazing person that this guy should regret not accepting.

Well, at least now you have more friends to comfort you!

91hayek 31

Were you inside his doctor on top of his office sitting directly beneath him and hear him say out loud "zippity zap I ain't acceptin that!" then fly away on his magic carpet farting four leaf clovers as you highland danced your way out the window????