By lonely_island - 28/04/2014 21:27 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, I finally worked up the guts to add the guy I like on Facebook. To make it less obvious, I added 15 other people as well. Everyone added me back, except him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 330
You deserved it 7 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

incoherentrmblr 21

Were you in a waiting room adding those people, to finally notice him sitting across you, add him, and eventually gasp when he muttered, "I don't want to be your friend"?...

Maybe he just doesn't get on the site often?


No offence OP, but I think it's probably an unhealthy obsession you have for this guy if you're willing to add 15 others just for the sake of being his friend. Try to put a little distance in between yourself and him. You may be scaring him off.

Axel5238 29

This is a really good idea, most of these fml's kinda bother me. Terms like love of my life or crush, never called anyone that let alone some I only casually knew. If you aren't will to try to talk to the guy, leave it alone. Great way to build someone up in your head and a great way to disappoint yourself. Adding 15 people for 1 guy you don't know well is not healthy. It's kinda weird, take a step back and take a few deep breathes.

sweetnsourrr 11

I wouldnt say that's obsession, I think she was so scared that she thought it was a good idea to add 15 people along him at the time, some times we do stupid shit. Crushes aren't as bad as you're making them seem as long they're harmless. I would agree with the if you're not doing anything about it then don't bother, but you're not OP.. so its easier to say. I can understand the OP, I get really nervous when I talk to this guy I have a crush on, but I never attempted to do what the OP has done or anything like that. I would just look at him for a couple of seconds and sometimes I catch him staring at me but I turn my head quickly because like I said I get nervous, Im very awkward, and quiet person. I quite couldn't understand when you said unhealthy obsession. Aren't obsessions unhealthy period? Anyways, it wasnt an "unhealthy" obsession, it was just a girl who was just affraid and guess she didn't want him to know that she had a crush on him so she added 15 people along with him.

Shitty coincidence. it happend to me yesterday ! Just give up. Guys add almost anyone they know a bit or girls they like on fb so if not you... Sorry

ninety 25

I dunno why this is getting down voted, I've personally witnessed this many times from many guys I personally know.

48 and 99: Just because the guys you know are like this does not mean that all guys are like this. Personally, I don't have Facebook. I have Google+, just because I have Gmail, and I seldom if ever use it, though I have added some people. The only people I've added are my father and a single close friend of mine. Google has proposed many people who I "may know", and I do happen to know them, but I have never added even the ones I know for sure, both because I am afraid it might seem creepy, and because I despise social networking in general.

u know he wasnt worth itt... let him b im sure u will find a nice guy who will respect u... cheers

Look on the bright side. At least you have another 14 friends on Facebook.

randomness273821 5

He didn't check his Facebook... Let's hope that is the no reply due to that

Maybe you should try talking to him first, you know, have an actual conversation. show him that you are someone he wants as a friend or more.

Some people, including me, can take forever to respond to FB friend requests. For some reason, I get added by a lot of people I don't actually know, so when I get a friend request, I don't always look right away to see who it is, and then when I get too many requests, I finally decide to go through them all. He might be in a similar situation.

Even if he added you it doesn't necessarily mean he'll like you back. I've sent requests to many people, they added me, but then never responded to the messages I sent them. Facebook is a poor way to try and start a conversation with someone.