By fedemere - 28/05/2011 06:54 - United States

Today, I finally told the girl I've been after for more than a year that I'm attracted to her. Her response? A slight hug with a pat on the back as she said "There, there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 929
You deserved it 4 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xk75 4

what is telling someone you're attracted to them supposed to get in response? if you want to date her, ask her out on a date, don't just make some weird, amorphous statement about her attractiveness. you probably sounded like some mouth breathing obsessive masturbator.


YourMomsFml 0

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futtbuck101 1 ok. judging by the thumbs down I received in my previous comment; "you's an official minger"

iSitt 0

ladder theory dot com all you can do is climb off

yougotapes 7

rejection hurts sorry op fyl

Yes, an erection can hurt. But thats off topic and how do you know it anyway?

Jonscarl 0

sucks to suck . sorry for your rejection

shakeTHEworld 12

I don't know why but I got the vibes that she's treating you like a dog or a small child...

I got the vibes that she knew for a long, long time that OP loves her (so this wasn't a surprise at all), and, because OP didn't make any serious move, she put him in the friendzone (which means OP is doomed).

YourMomsFml 0

I can be happy when I want to be happy

normally sexism IS funny. that was just pathetically SHIT!!!

... however, your picture is kinda funny.

jellitonoctopus 19

haha! it is a funny picture.

iAmScrubs 19

At least you got a hug from her OP. That must have made you a pretty excited man.

what is op?? im new to this and ydi??

104, way to ruin it. It isn't spam, it's a joke...

That0therguy 4

104, you a pain. Why are you the person you are?

Plenty of fish in the sea OP. I'm sorry it didn't work out, though. 

"But but but I wanted That fishies ******! D:" why did I imagine OP saying that in stewies voice...

^^EPIC WIN! lol Why am I so glad you responded to my comment

xk75 4

what is telling someone you're attracted to them supposed to get in response? if you want to date her, ask her out on a date, don't just make some weird, amorphous statement about her attractiveness. you probably sounded like some mouth breathing obsessive masturbator.

Provi90 0

haha true story! mean, but funny lol

rroxie124 5

bahahah this made me laugh so hard :)

YourMomsFml 0

good I wanted it to be moderated

jennSeSmeh 0

oh geez, thats a bit condescending of her