Getting on

By Anonymous - 11/06/2021 05:59

Today, after much measuring with a tape measure, comparing with my sisters and even asking my husband for his opinion, I'm forced to admit that without a bra on, my boobs now sag so much my nipples hang down to the level of my belly button. FML
I agree, your life sucks 963
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if it bothers you too much you can get a procedure. but really it's fine, all breasts are different. and it's natural for them to fall a little lower than when you were young :) it's a part of getting older

xxlk4xx 6

it's totally OK and normal! I wouldn't worry about it too much, but if it is something that really bothers you then I agree with other comments you could have procedure to lift things up if that will make you feel better! just do whatever makes YOU happy 😊


if it bothers you too much you can get a procedure. but really it's fine, all breasts are different. and it's natural for them to fall a little lower than when you were young :) it's a part of getting older

xxlk4xx 6

it's totally OK and normal! I wouldn't worry about it too much, but if it is something that really bothers you then I agree with other comments you could have procedure to lift things up if that will make you feel better! just do whatever makes YOU happy 😊

diraven 15

Maybe your belly button is just getting higher