By BurntBroken - 09/01/2017 13:16

Today, when I realized I'd forgot rice on the stove, I jumped off my chair and pulled off my headphones really fast. Now I've got burnt rice and broken headphones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 384
You deserved it 1 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

<p>None of this would've happened if OP had ordered in. No stove, no problem!</p>


<p>Don't despair! I just heard this great podcast about saving burnt rice. You can listen to it and, oh, wait . . .</p>

<p>None of this would've happened if OP had ordered in. No stove, no problem!</p>

jcash52426 5

Better to have to replace rice and headphone. Then your whole kitchen or house from a fire

penguinsgaming 18

At least you didn't burn your house down.

penguinsgaming 18

At least you didn't burn your house down.

jcash52426 5

I think there is an echo in here

Iwannarock1 19

Richard Pencil, has a small pencil.