By Asterisk1009 - 29/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to tell my parents that I'm gay. My mom said "Yeah, we know." When I asked how they knew, my dad, without looking up from the tv, said, "We've been monitoring your Internet history." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 652
You deserved it 17 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Major invasion of your privacy, sure. But at least they didn't freak out and were totally fine about it. Plus, they waited until you were ready to tell them rather than confront you when they figured it out through snooping...gotta give them credit for that!


lol my little sister narced on me to my mom. I wasnt ready to tell her... got a phonecall asking when she was gunna meet my 'special friend' .. parents shouldnt snoop makes me glad my parents arent so computer savvy. also i enjoyed reading some of the comments here... ignorant, hatefull, and moderated. i for one dont believe in pushing my sexualty on others (Ie pride day.. thats a whole new basket of worms though) what i do in the privacy of my home/ property is mine and my lovers business, noone elses. everyones entitled to an opinion kn a topic, right wrong ignorant or arrogant its still an opinion hpws thos for another kicker... i a gayan dont believe in gay marriage. (again a whole different basket). does that make me self loathing? no am i a closet case? no. do i hide who i am? no. its what i believe if they wamna hate, then let them hate, doesnt change who i am. just makes them look like idiots

FYL because they were searching through your history, but hey, at least they accept it.

Ninjasaurus18 9

At least they didn't flip out on you and kick you out.

morganime 2

eh they seem pretty cool they didnt freak they didnt put parental blocks on your **** and your using there internet sounds like you were a little dissapointed they didnt freak so your looking for a reason

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : Burrrrrrrrrrn! Lmao. At least they got used to the idea before you came out OP.

Ooh my parents did the same thing. When I was seeing my first therapist after getting a computer, she asked my dad if I watched ****. He replied that I did, "but it's okay. It was the right kind of ****." He would not have been supportive, to say the least.

doglover100 28

It was simple, no fuss. That's what any LGBT person could hope for.