Dad jokes, part #23556

By ashamed - 28/10/2019 02:00

Today, I finally let my parents meet a boyfriend of mine for the first time ever. My dad mentioned how he was happy to finally meet him, because for the past 4 years he'd thought I was gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 577
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to be optimistic and hope that even if you had introduced a girlfriend he would've been happy for you. And that him thinking you were gay, wasn't in a insulting or mocking manner. That he was just waiting for you to 'come out', and he would've been accepting either way. I can dream can't I. Nothing wrong with being gay, and nothing wrong with being straight. you be you. And isn't it the dad's job to embarrass their daughters in front of their boyfriend? At least that's what movies and tv has lead me to believe.


That could have been soooo much worse. When I met my first girlfriends parents, her dad was sitting at the table cleaning his guns and my name was ‘boy’.



That could have been soooo much worse. When I met my first girlfriends parents, her dad was sitting at the table cleaning his guns and my name was ‘boy’.

I'm going to be optimistic and hope that even if you had introduced a girlfriend he would've been happy for you. And that him thinking you were gay, wasn't in a insulting or mocking manner. That he was just waiting for you to 'come out', and he would've been accepting either way. I can dream can't I. Nothing wrong with being gay, and nothing wrong with being straight. you be you. And isn't it the dad's job to embarrass their daughters in front of their boyfriend? At least that's what movies and tv has lead me to believe.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

from what I got from this post wasn't a dad being homophobic, i saw a dad who was trying to be embarrassing

Mungolikecandy 19

I never introduced anyone to my parents until it was the woman I have since married. I was dating her when my mum said to me "if you are gay it does not matter". There had been a few girlfriends before but I never felt I was involved enough to introduce them to my parents.

Sounds like you two are close. I remember I'd tell my parents about women I was dating even before I was ready to introduce them. Of course, my parents lived over a thousand miles away, so a meeting was a big deal.