By angelisa - 21/11/2015 14:54 - United States - Yuba City

Today, I finally felt ready to lose my virginity with my boyfriend. Unfortunately he was too embarrassed to go and buy some condoms, and suggested in all seriousness that we use a sandwich bag instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 704
You deserved it 3 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's too embarrassed to buy condoms, he's definitely not ready for sex.

Sorry Op but if either of you are too embarrassed to buy condoms then you are not ready for sex.


BitterSavage 20

Annndd that's how you know he isn't ready for sex.

I'm guessing your birth control are tic-tacs?

If he can't handle the act of buying the condom to keep the act safe, and you from getting pregnant, then he can't handle sex. Wait at least a year for him to grow up, or find a man and not a boy currently missing a spine.

YesIamjudgingU 4

You did it anyway, didn't you?

Roflmao. That's the most hilarious thing I've read all day!

Tell him to man up or next time you'll send him for tampons.