By ModernCindy - 30/11/2015 16:07 - United Kingdom - Cleveleys

Today, I felt like Cinderella. No, I didn't lose a shoe in public. Nor did I dance with Prince Charming. But I did get a visit from tiny wild mice in my home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 996
You deserved it 2 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did they sing and dance and make you a dress. If not I'm seeing a problem


Call an exterminator ASAP before it gets worse

1st comment does not guarantee everyone will like the actual comment mate. :)

Why? Mice and rats are good pets. Just need to keep them out of the walls where they can cause havoc on the house. And get em treated for disease.

16, this is not ifunny. Comments are in the order they were made, not according to likes.

Did they sing and dance and make you a dress. If not I'm seeing a problem

i_live_to_vault 19

Well you have to befriend the nice before the show incident and Prince Charming, according to the story.

Personally I wouldn't have too big an issue because I have three snakes who love mice. But seriously, call an exterminator. They can carry diseases.

I'd say get a cat, but mine were always better at bringing half dead mince into the house. Oddly my dogs have always been better mousers.

Sounds like you need to summon Lucifer for this problem.

I would not trust a cat named Lucifer, especially if he belonged to my bitch of a wicked stepmother.