By robbedonCTA - 22/09/2009 06:20 - United States

Today, I felt a tug on my backpack and found my wallet missing. A nice stranger pointed to a guy running down the stairs and said "There goes the guy who took your wallet!" I ran to catch the supposed offender. The 'nice' stranger was the actual offender distracting me as he got away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 104
You deserved it 7 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smart guy. Crap. There goes our only advantage.

YDI for keeping your wallet in your backpack.


srak 0

ydi for trusting the transit authority. you live in Chicago of all places! use your head next time. that was like right out of the book and if a guy was actually run away then he was in on it to.

Criminals these days are getting rather clever.

I must say that I do not mean to disrespect anyone in anyway but that just reminds me of those old cartoons like Tom and Jerry and Bugs Bunny. You think you would remember this from watching the cartoons don't you?

That really sucks for you, but I must admit that dude is slick

Rather, the victims are just getting really ******* stupid.

You shouldn't make your wallet that accessible for thieves to get to.

first of all FAKE how do u know that the other guy took it

Wow. i wouldnt even be mad. i'd be stupified. and amazed. just like my good friend borat would say in regards of the criminal, Great Success!