By Hatilic_ - 14/06/2019 20:00

Today, my idiot of a boss yelled at me because it's physically impossible for me to be in two places at the same time, and that I'm not a magician. He didn't understand that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 711
You deserved it 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luna_soulslayer 13

No he did understand...he just doesn’t care more likely.

Of course he didn't understand, he's a boss. It is a requirement of all bosses to not understand why their employees can't do the impossible, such as being in two places at once.


luna_soulslayer 13

No he did understand...he just doesn’t care more likely.

See, now, this is why I like the Naruto series so much, they can do shit we can’t like be in multiple places.

Of course he didn't understand, he's a boss. It is a requirement of all bosses to not understand why their employees can't do the impossible, such as being in two places at once.

Years back a supervisor did the same thing to me. We had a huge blowup argument and I stormed off. When I got back there was an ambulance there. He had suffered a stroke.

Ugh my boss would ask me the same question over and over. I’d say I don’t know but that wasn’t good enough. And it wasn’t a question I should know for my job. It would be like “who won the 1986 World Series”. Anytime I did give him an answer to anything work related or otherwise he googled it to try to prove me wrong. What a douche.