By snow - 17/11/2017 01:30

Today, I woke up with a massive hangover after passing out at a wild party the night before. Apparently my friends couldn't find a marker, because I woke up with dozens of dicks drawn on my body and face in henna. I have a job interview today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 833
You deserved it 3 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, not cool on their part but did you really think getting drunk enough to pass out the day before your interview was the best decision?

although getting drunk and being hungover before a job interview is not he eat, you do not deserve henna on your face. I'm sure you would have been ok at the interview had they not done that. That really does suck. What did you do in the end?


although getting drunk and being hungover before a job interview is not he eat, you do not deserve henna on your face. I'm sure you would have been ok at the interview had they not done that. That really does suck. What did you do in the end?

boopingsnoot 24

I mean, not cool on their part but did you really think getting drunk enough to pass out the day before your interview was the best decision?

Well.. while I agree your friends shouldn’t have used henna, you kind of deserve it for partying hard and drinking so heavily the night before an interview.

I guess you could say that was a bit of a dick move.

Yep. Spend $15 bucks on drugstore concealer and foundation to cover it all up.

Suaria 38

Buy foundation and concealer. It'll cover up the henna until it comes off. Also you probably shouldn't have been partying so hard before a job interview.

Lobby_Bee 17

Put a huge cotton pad on that area and tell the interviewer you had an allergic reaction to some food last night. Its worth a shot I think.

TeachAllTheMath 19

Getting drunk before an interview is fine as long as you’re straight before the interview, sorry about the henna. That seems like it crosses the line, even if you didn’t have an interview, what about a job or school? You wouldn’t want henna penises for either of those things either. How did the interview go?