By rained - 02/02/2009 05:44 - Hong Kong

Today, I drove an hour in a rainstorm to go see my boyfriend. Thirty minutes and a blow job later, he tells me he's going to meet some friends for dinner in half an hour then kicks me out of his house. It's still raining. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 484
You deserved it 7 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yennichan 0

wtf....i hope you mean ex-bf....thats definitely a dump-able offense...

When you have your girlfriend over... and she just gave you a *******... you are suppose to ask if you can return the favor... But obviously he had "better things to do". Bastard.


yennichan 0

wtf....i hope you mean ex-bf....thats definitely a dump-able offense...

sounds like a keeper to me. don't be so shallow. at least he didn't splooge in your eyes

ahahahaha stop trying to pick her up you horny bastards. its pretty pittiful

troyboyd05 0

It's pitiful you can't spell pitiful.

superman73 0

lol stop your bitching this happens to me all the time lol

@11 QFT. He should've invited her. I would feel like a complete douche if I did that. In fact, I would know I'm a douche.

When you have your girlfriend over... and she just gave you a *******... you are suppose to ask if you can return the favor... But obviously he had "better things to do". Bastard.

sixspades 0

If it were me and it was almost time to meet em I would have invited her If it wasn't close to time yet I would have told em somethin else has come up and then spend the whole time pleasing each other Maybe even done it in the rain ;)

jasdog2244 0

what a jerk kick him out of your life just like he kicked you out of his house you deserve better

yeah if he didn't know you were coming over then you should realize he might have of had other plans but ya gave em head hun what r u gunna do? idn that whole scenario seems weird to me rethink ur shit