By SayItToMyFace - 11/11/2015 17:50 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend asked me to text him when I got home after driving 40 miles in bad weather from his house back to mine. When I did, he broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 029
You deserved it 1 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People who break up over text are not the people you deserve OP. The best of luck

That's flat out, ****** up! I'm sorry to hear this OP. The guy sounds like an ass hat, your a lot better off with out him.


1st sorry had to but yeah FYL @ the very least he could have been man and done it in person.

dca101 23

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I was under the assumption that he wanted to make sure she got home least until I read the FML.

Agreed, didn't think it was going to end this way! The only plus side I can think of is that she didn't have 40 minutes in the car in tears. Driving whilst crying isn't safe!!

A guy did this to me before. He asked me to text him to let him know I got home safely, and when I did, he replied saying he wanted to end things etc. It was an incredibly dickish move, but I suppose it was better than letting me drive with it on my mind.

People who break up over text are not the people you deserve OP. The best of luck

While this is 100% true, I'd rather drive 40 miles in shitty weather before I get dumped just so I don't get in a wreck like my emotional ass probably would.

He could have just asked her for a drink close to home too @22

Deadpoolscomedywriter 6
Deadpoolscomedywriter 6

That's flat out, ****** up! I'm sorry to hear this OP. The guy sounds like an ass hat, your a lot better off with out him.

Cowardly of him not to do it in person. Now you can find someone more deserving OP!

Maybe he didn't want her to be upset and driving in bad weather. Still shitty.

girl, it may be upsetting and difficult, but if he is that much of an insensitive prick, it's his loss not yours. you deserve better.

spacefish966 18

Well that sucks......hang in there and keep your chin up.

I don't agree with what he did, but it was a good idea of him to do it after you got home so that you did not drive at night in the rain upset.

Kind of sad he couldn't even do it in person. Not a man of honor. No balls. You're better off without him, and you will find someone better.

Not to play the devil's advocate, but the boyfriend may have broken the news to OP after she reached home because he wanted her to drive safely in the bad weather, and driving while upset might not have been best for her safety. Still, he could've done it sometime else then

usnwife 18

If he was trying to be nice about it he could have to her... he was just a jerk and a coward

If he really was worried about her safety, he could have gone to see HER to break up. Or at the very least given her a phone call or something. A text is just damn cold.

Coward. Do it face to face. Sorry OP. You deserve better.