By xxmollyxx - 16/12/2010 11:54 - Sweden

Today, I dropped my remote behind the bed and went to reach for it. Instead of the remote, I grabbed hold of a rat carcass that must have got in when builders were working in my bathroom several weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 631
You deserved it 3 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, you dropped the remote on the rat and killed it, you evil rat killer. It was just foraging for food to feed its family, and you assassinated it. I don't know how you'll sleep at night knowing you killed an innocent creature, just so you could be a lazy couch potato and watch reruns of "Law and Order" all night. Asshole.

perdix 29

How long were you pointing the rat corpse at the TV and squeezing it until you realized it wasn't the remote?


Ever think about the rats feelings? Maybe it thinks that OP was gross, thus causing it to die. Be more thoughtful next time, sir.

who said anything about an apartment? 13 fails

Marvin_Android 0

Sounds like the rat had the right idea. I mean ending it all, of course. Existence is so pointless and meaningless anyway, and life brings nothing but pain, suffering, and mind-crushing monotony. That TV remote you were reaching for? It's but a temporary distraction. I hope what you grabbed instead has sparked some thinking in your ape-brain. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

Why didn't you notice the smell before? Anywho that's gross OP I'd suggest washing your hands... Multiple times :)

bman134 0
purple_zebras_ 0

right how could he not smell rotting rat

I don't really know how I couldn't smell it, but I assure you that my room doesn't/didn't smell bad. Maybe the dog brought in the carcass from a closet or something and it was only in my room for a short while. Let's hope so :)

That's Just Disgusting. Did You Throw it Back Behind Your Bed?

knibbsy 4

You Know, I'm Really Not Sure What Happened. But I Suppose It's A Possibility That The OP Wa- hOLD uP, wHY aRE yOU tYPING lIKE tHIS? a dECOMPOSING pAIR oF sANDALS tHAT bELONGED tO cAESAR wOULD bE eASIER tO uNDERSTAND tHAN tHIS aWKWARD cAPITALIZATION.

That is so nasty. I'm so scared of rats and mice :| This FML gave me a cold shiver just reading it :| FYL indeed.

No, you dropped the remote on the rat and killed it, you evil rat killer. It was just foraging for food to feed its family, and you assassinated it. I don't know how you'll sleep at night knowing you killed an innocent creature, just so you could be a lazy couch potato and watch reruns of "Law and Order" all night. Asshole.