By Zanna - 23/03/2017 12:00

Today, a job candidate I was interviewing took a drink of water, and let it dribble down her chin and shirt while making fixed eye contact with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 414
You deserved it 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"You're hired! You're perfect for person-who-finds-it-difficult-to-do-simple-tasks in our infomercial!"

The way I read this, she was trying to say: "If you give me this job, I'll have sex with you." So, did you give her the job??


Just look her straight in the eye and say 'Next'.


Maybe is you hadn't listed "creepy" as a job prerequisite. Seriously, it's almost as bad as dating, when you are in charge of hiring. Once I interviewed a prospective security guard and while I was explaining the site we were hiring for he picked his nose...and ate it. <shudder> My sympathies.

species4872 19

You should have hired him, At least he brings his own lunch.

I laughed and cringed at the same time

I'm sorry about that I didn't know that wasnt a proper thing to do

She was probably as horrified (on the inside) as you were. Interview nerves make even the best of us freeze up sometimes. If she's otherwise well qualified, and the rest of the interview went well, give her due consideration.

"You're hired! You're perfect for person-who-finds-it-difficult-to-do-simple-tasks in our infomercial!"

You're hired! Can you start tomorrow, or now? I'll bring you a banana.

The poor girl was probably embarassed and terrfied. A lot of times interviews make us nervous and out us on edge she probably froze and had no idea what to do.

Goblin182 26

The way I read this, she was trying to say: "If you give me this job, I'll have sex with you." So, did you give her the job??

Maybe she was being pressured family to find a job? I actually knew a couple of people who would arrange interviews, get their mom or dad to drive them there, and then do something blindingly obvious to guarantee they would not get the job.