By gabby - 24/02/2012 23:01 - United States

Today, I dolled myself up and hit the campus gym, hoping to leave with a cute boy's number. I left in a stretcher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 020
You deserved it 32 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cute boys don't usually go to the gym. And if I were you I'd be looking for a handsome man's number. Cute boys only come in one age: twelve.


McNerdyNerd 8

*sigh* I'll just add to the flamers saying 'OMG you go to a gym to meet guys? Aweful!' buuut...yeah. I understand you don't want to go to a bar to get a number, but guys when they work out, do NOT want to be hit on by some random chick. I'm a girl who's practically lived in a dojang (korean version of dojo) my whole life, and I've known tons of guys as my brothers, that there is nothing sexier to them than a confident girl who isnt afraid to get sweaty and work out, just for the fun of the sport. It's not my place to judge, but since you put on makeup and didnt ever plan on working out, you don't belong with a guy that goes to the gym in the first place. You're just looking for attention, and you give the girls in a mans environment for all the RIGHT reason a BAD name. You're the reason why wives and moms all thought I was a fraud for the first half of my life, til they realized I didn't give a damn about their men, and I could STILL beat them at their own 'manly' sport.

bubo_fml 10
MuchDance90s 0
jmoreno 4

That's a way to get noticed lol

Nothing screams "high maintenance" more than a girl that wears makeup when she works out.

I have a really busy schedule so I often have to go straight from a meeting or clinical placement to the gym. I'm not going to take my makeup off just to get on a crosstrainer.

tweetbaby14 18

Please explain how exactly wearing make up at the gym makes someone high maintenance. I can see how it would make someone a desperate attention *****, and pathetic, unless they just came from doing something where they "needed" to wear make up.

I think that he was trying to imply that if a woman puts on make up just because she's going to the gym (no errands before hand/work/etc.) then she's taking time to apply said face paint when all she's going to do be doing is sweating it off (if she even bothers to work out and isn't just posing and hoping to get attention/hitting on guys.) On the same note, attention-mongrels typically also tend to be high maintenance... because they demand all their boy friend's (or girl friend's) attention around 100% of the time.

This is sad, I see women like you all the time, it's there to work out not socialize.

Getting "dolled up" for the gym? I usually go in sweats or something..

On a stretcher... You meant on a stretcher, of course.

And you must mean in a stretcher the first time you said it... Nice try at correcting someones mistake when you didn't even get what they had messed up on correct...

bubo_fml 10

Most people go to the gym just to pose, flex & check themselves out in the mirror. Do you really want someone who's that self absorbed & only concerned with pumping themselves up?

Have you ever actually been in a gym to have a comment this stupid?? I go to the gym to stay in shape and get healthy.. Sorry if that offends you

shizzathon 5

YDI. Girls like you give us a bad name!

Getting dolled up to go to the gym?? Last time I checked guys were into girls who actually looked like they were trying to work out. Not leave makeup stains in the towels at the first sign of sweat....