By Samantha - 25/12/2018 02:00

Today, I discovered that my parents made a game out of my mental illness. Every morning, they have a bet on which one of them can make me cry first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 756
You deserved it 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let's turn the tables. I bet you I can slip laxatives in their coffee before you do. The time limit is before Christmas. Ready? Go!

That is awful. I am so sorry OP. I hope you are able to get the help you need from. professional and are able to get out of that house if possible. If they are not supporting you then that is wrong.


pretty shocking to read some of these comments. “call cps” “your parents are jerks” “monsters” you people need to remember that they are her parents. show some respect. OP, i’m sorry about that. Hope you can over come your issues soon.

One of OP’s issues is having parents who would make a game of mental illness. If they really are actively trying to make OP cry every day, they don’t deserve respect, parents or not.

GodofChicken 3

Show the parents respect? They literally challenge each other to make their mentally ill child cry.

While I think this is sketchy at best, I do wonder if they actually stated it was a game that they actively enjoy. I'm considering it more like... Perhaps they are trying to find a way to discuss the issue and the OP is super sensitive, struggling to cope with emotions or what have you. Parents tried to have a discussion about their concerns, stating that "every day, we wonder, which one of us is going to make you cry first?" It isn't the best way to discuss it. I'm not excusing any games they might actively play. i'm just considering the way my parents responded to my acute anxiety attacks when I was a teen. They were confused and upset about them and would say things like "Don't do anything stupid in there" when I would sequester myself in the bathroom. It would sometimes sound like they were making fun but in retrospect, I know they were acknowledging a real fear that they had no understanding of how to express. Saying something like "I bet you'll make him cry today" is not the same as making a game of mental illness. Saying "First one to get him to cry gets ten bucks" is. I would definitely need to know the context... Not because I want to invalidate the OP's feelings, but rather to say that because of the subject at hand, it can easily be misconstrued when people are trying to express concerns. Also, "discovered" implies that the parents did not outright say it to the OP so if the OP is overhearing the conversation or reading say, a text message, it is completely out of context for their entire discussion of the issue and it's really not the OP's business. OP's parents are allowed to express their feelings however they choose within the privacy of their own relationship.

tounces7 27

Okay is there an award for "Worst Parents of the Year"? I'd like to Nominate this persons parents.

GodofChicken 3

Sick bastards. They should be helping you with your illness and not hurting you like this.

Give them the worst day of their life. Push them into the snow, put laxatives in their drinks, trip them down the stairs and make them cry, and then call them little bitches with no life other than making their MENTALLY ILL CHILD CRY.