By Samantha - 25/12/2018 02:00

Today, I discovered that my parents made a game out of my mental illness. Every morning, they have a bet on which one of them can make me cry first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 766
You deserved it 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let's turn the tables. I bet you I can slip laxatives in their coffee before you do. The time limit is before Christmas. Ready? Go!

That is awful. I am so sorry OP. I hope you are able to get the help you need from. professional and are able to get out of that house if possible. If they are not supporting you then that is wrong.


Let's turn the tables. I bet you I can slip laxatives in their coffee before you do. The time limit is before Christmas. Ready? Go!

That is awful. I am so sorry OP. I hope you are able to get the help you need from. professional and are able to get out of that house if possible. If they are not supporting you then that is wrong.

I'd call that child abuse. Go get help.

From someone who’s had mental problem! I strongly advise you to take a serious talk with your parents! I’m hoping they just don’t understand the magnitude of your problem thus they make jokes! Otherwise they’re extremely shitty people, let alone being parents!

Mental illness is not a joke. Your parents are jerks.

Alup132 22

Dude, you’re sick. And I’m not saying that to make fun of OP, I suffer from diagnosed mental illnesses as well that my parents don’t take 100% seriously, and I must say, there’s something seriously wrong with you to think anyone deserves that treatment.

What the ever living **** is wrong with you?

cflyers78 1

You'd think people would realize this is probably sarcasm...

Oh dear. You need to get out of that toxic environment ASAP. If you have a grandparent, aunt/uncle, anybody who’d be willing to take you in and keep you safe from harm, please look into it. I know it’s difficult, and it really breaks you down. But you’re strong, you’ve lived your entire life up to this point. I wish you luck and send love for your situation ❤️

That's nothing short of abuse. Maybe contact child services and see if they can do something. You need to get out of this toxic environment, else they'll just add to your mental illness and you'll never get better. Best of luck to you!

And I thought my parents were insensitive about mental illness. I hope you can get away from these toxic monsters soon.