By ... - 29/12/2010 15:24

Today, my girlfriend told me that her parents have a bet going on when we are going to break up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 453
You deserved it 3 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make a bet with your girlfriend on when her parents are going to get divorced.

perdix 29

Seduce the mom and make sure you get caught in the act by her dad. I mean, you're a dead man walking with this family, so you might as well go out in a blaze of glory.


ifmyheartwasahou 2

Well mostly everyone breaks up eventually anyways.

That sucks! Hey but who knows maybe you can bet that it won't be within a month or something like that and get money!lolz

well get over it it's her parents not her so stop bitching

Make a bet with your girlfriend on when her parents are going to get divorced.

perdix 29

Seduce the mom and make sure you get caught in the act by her dad. I mean, you're a dead man walking with this family, so you might as well go out in a blaze of glory.

zacharytk72 5
Vasin_fml 15

According to #2 its 3 inches half way (:

ahahahaa I'm pretty sure it was an FML coz the parents don't think he and his girlfriend will last very long? and coz they are betting

sourgirl101 28

So now the pressure's on. Are you going to stay with your girlfriend, not because you love her but because you don't want the parents to be correct?

I make bets with my friends on how long couples will last. it's fun :P don't take it personally

fakeaccountX 6
gmc_blossom 21

Yes, but I think it is a little bit more different and insulting considering that it's his girlfriends own parents that are betting. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just some random person, but the fact that his girlfriends parents bet on how long her relationships last, that's pretty bad. FYL OP.