By NotSpiderman - 31/10/2012 17:09 - United States - Edinburg

Today, I discovered a brown recluse spider in my house. Before I could smash it, it escaped under the door. Now I'm freaked out and wearing boots and gloves, clutching at my kittens and waiting for it to appear. My dad laughs everytime he walks past. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 689
You deserved it 4 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't blame you. Spiders are terrifying.

AGhost5445 25


I got bit by one and it was brutallllll. I had to go to the E.R. One night and they had to preform a surgery on me

Be careful I heard that they're poisonous

There's a myth that says that at any given time you have three spiders at least two meters from you. Have fun sleeping!

Look, he's crawling up my wall Black and hairy, very small Now he's up above my head Hanging by a little thread Boris the spider ...

:D Only other person I've come across that knows the lyrics to Boris the Spider!

KuuipoSays 1

It may not really be one. I was bitten by its cousin a hobo spider & learned a LOT about both. That are not as identifiable as most people think and MOST often people are wrong. Without finding it and taking it's NOT maimed carcass to a pro, you can't know.And, they are a 'recluse'. They don't wander. . Plus, spiders don't randomly bite people. You aren't food. It's when they are threatened like when trapped against you by clothing, etc. (how I was bitten). Shake out your clothes and relax. Also- they aren't interested in your bedding either. No food there.

The same thing I happening to me right now

Life must suck being that scared of stupid things.

Ummmm..... you do know that brown recluse spiders are deadly venomous, right?