By NotSpiderman - 31/10/2012 17:09 - United States - Edinburg

Today, I discovered a brown recluse spider in my house. Before I could smash it, it escaped under the door. Now I'm freaked out and wearing boots and gloves, clutching at my kittens and waiting for it to appear. My dad laughs everytime he walks past. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 689
You deserved it 4 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't blame you. Spiders are terrifying.

AGhost5445 25


Anyone who says that op deserved it should know that the brown recluse spider carries a hemotoxic venom. Though they do not often bite, when they do there are a variety of horrific potential effects. Google "brown recluse spider bite" Op has every right to be afraid.

kaylanicole1695 12

I would let the kittens fend for themselves

KM96 24

Pranks on the kids! Not poison! Read the comment! >:(

jtalt92 5

Just wanna put this one out there. If one does bite you if you receive immediate medical attention the effects of the bite diminish. It's 2012, it's called medicine. We have it now.

Spiders eat other bugs. Wait for a few days for the spider to eat other bugs, then get rid of the spider. Kill 2 birds with one stone! Or two species with one boot?

Kill it before it lays eggs! Unless it already has... Then you need an exterminator. Ain't so funny now is it dad?

Most of the time, people say they've seen a brown recluse but it's really just a harmless wolf spider. I wouldn't worry too much OP.

jaystreet46 4

It probably wasn't even a brown recluse. More likely just a brown spider that OP saw and in a dramatic fashion says omg it's a brown spider, it MUST be a brown recluse!!! You know how them women folk are about these type of things.

Areya_fml 5

That's really hilarious but super scary at the same time.

I'm sure it'll find a nice crevice and huddle inside. Hopefully leading outside. Terrifying! So sorry, OP!