By pk24 - 25/02/2009 23:46 - United States

Today, I decided to try and call into a local radio station to try and win concert tickets for one of my favorite bands. I called in and was actually the winning number. When asked my name I answered quickly, but all I heard was "Hello? Hello?" Then they hung up. My cell phone was on mute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 372
You deserved it 16 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AW THAT SUCKS!!!!!!! im so sorry dude. its so hard to get through!!!! man. i feel your pain just thinking about it. WHY THE **** WAS YOUR PHONE ON MUTE????

this was my first day with my new phone and i hit the mute button without knowing it, it sucked but i ended up buying the tickets anyway


Monty_Python 0

I've never even heard of a mute button on a phone...

theoldGP 0

wow thats stupid. #34 yes all phones have a mute option. i use it when im ******** and talking on the phone. =]

summababy 0

OP could've accidentally set his phone to mute. my phone has a mute button on the side of it that I'm constantly pressing by accident.

Surely they would ring back though right?

missmady 0

i have an iphone and my cheek is constantly pressing the mute button.

That always happens to me! Has gotten me into trouble -__-