Get it on, bang a gong

By Anonymous - 12/09/2019 15:00 - Bulgaria - Sofia

Today, I'm dating the perfect guy. He's smart, considerate, charming, funny, good looking and we have a ton of interests in common. He also can't get it up. At all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 747
You deserved it 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91gb 15

There are other things you can do... Oral and finger play - you could also look into medical reasons why he can't get an erection. If you're going to leave him over this, you don't deserve all his other qualities.


They make toys that he can wear or have him see a doctor.

manb91gb 15

There are other things you can do... Oral and finger play - you could also look into medical reasons why he can't get an erection. If you're going to leave him over this, you don't deserve all his other qualities.

No, sex is important. Not wanting to be in a sexless relationship does not mean that OP doesn't deserve a smart, considerate, charming guy. It just means that this one isn't for her.

DKING123456789 is right, this FML was submitted by a guy. Please stop reporting his comment, thanks.

manb91gb 15

Sex isn't just about sticking the dick in a hole... Sex is the intimate interplay between two people that encompasses kissing, soft touch, role play and fantasy, oral and digital stimulation and much more. If you define sex as the "peepee goes in" you're either twelve or missing out.

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no shit! this happend to me last night but I'm the guy!

Drai Gray 8
Phil 14

If you're a woman, maybe he's gay; if you're a dude, maybe he's not.

My whole life, there was only one ex I couldn’t get it up for. Reflecting back, she was a total nightmare.

It can be psychological or medical! He needs to see a doctor asap