By sadguy - 22/09/2009 18:30 - Czech Republic

Today, I decided to propose to my girlfriend on the Charles Bridge in Prague. A little boy thought it would be fun to chase a flock of pigeons towards me. I freaked out and dropped the 2 carat diamond ring. Into the river. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 746
You deserved it 10 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have thrown that little bastard in after it.

You let pigeons scare you ... You could kill an infinite amount of pigeons if you were to fight them. Next time, go down heroically. There will be statues with your demeanor biting off pigeons their heads.


rubberduckie72 4

dont worry about it. ny husband never even really proposed. we just knew from the first date really. one day he just told me to get in his shirt pocket and there was the ring. sorry about the money u lost on the ring though.

@ #78, carat refers to the diamond and its weight, karat refers to the percentage of gold in the jewelery… dumbass, likewise #124, u and the others are just as retarded as this guy, you probably buy the first ring that that salesman shows you, or the most expensive just because, without even realizing the value of a ring and its qualities

kaitlin_ash 10

Bridge trolls can come in the guise of small children.

That little brat needs to be euthanized

soulcrusher11 16

2 carat? An approx. £4000/6000 ring and you just decided to propose on a bridge? Mm... Suspect and think you may have deserved it! Be more romantic next time