By sadguy - 22/09/2009 18:30 - Czech Republic

Today, I decided to propose to my girlfriend on the Charles Bridge in Prague. A little boy thought it would be fun to chase a flock of pigeons towards me. I freaked out and dropped the 2 carat diamond ring. Into the river. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 746
You deserved it 10 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have thrown that little bastard in after it.

You let pigeons scare you ... You could kill an infinite amount of pigeons if you were to fight them. Next time, go down heroically. There will be statues with your demeanor biting off pigeons their heads.


Dukedj 0

YDI. You should have gotten a thing like that insured. It only costs like 50 dollars a year to insure a 6,000$ diamond ring. You could have avoided this whole thing altogether.

Expertfail 0

That sucks almost more than any other FML I've read. Best of luck with sorting it out!

I'm from the Czech Republic... Haha, sucks for you. But that little boy had some serious balls.

I'd marry you just because of where you proposed. Prague is my favorite city in the whole world, and the Charles Bridge is 100008478783 times more romantic than even the Eiffel Tower. Sucks that you lost the ring, but I hope she said yes!

Monie_Madness 0

Cuz if you like it then you should've put a ring on it.. Woah oh oh.

Megadeth_fml 0
iwanthim2marryme 0

I am sure that you do not mean 2 carat gold. They do make Two carat gold, and put a diamond on it, in fact, i am not sure if you can even purchase two carat gold. However, a two carat DIAMOND, which I am sure that is what you had meant, just people had misunderstood you, is very very not cheap what-so-ever. A two carat diamond, well, is worth quite alot, depending on the cut, clarity, and color. Also it is extremely BIG. You must really Love that girl (: that's beauty right there. Good Luck, I hope she said yes.

I have a fear of pigeons. I respect your reaction, and am very sorry about what happened, fyl! Poor you!

xxissuesxx 0

I'd drop the little boy in the river