By sadguy - 22/09/2009 18:30 - Czech Republic

Today, I decided to propose to my girlfriend on the Charles Bridge in Prague. A little boy thought it would be fun to chase a flock of pigeons towards me. I freaked out and dropped the 2 carat diamond ring. Into the river. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 746
You deserved it 10 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have thrown that little bastard in after it.

You let pigeons scare you ... You could kill an infinite amount of pigeons if you were to fight them. Next time, go down heroically. There will be statues with your demeanor biting off pigeons their heads.


Ok, so here's what a 2 carat ring looks like. Hmm, doesn't look bad at all to me. Any bigger and it would be too gaudy and obnoxious. This is an 8 carat. Looks like a bit much. [This was a reply to someone way up there. FML has completely ****** up.]

Some people have a lot of disposable income. If he could afford the trip to Prague for the proposal, he must be decently flush. The post made it seem as though they're not from there. And 2 carats isn't really that much unless you go to Tiffanys (~20k). Besides, for all we know he has it on a 10 year payment plan or something.

When they all come at you at once, it can be hella scary!! It's happened to me. Sucks for you, OP. I do think you should get it recovered.

Are you stupid? He's from the Czech Republic. It's like a little trip to the city. And the proposal is ruined, with the loss of the ring as an added bonus. That's why it's an FML.

Your ring seems to be a history nut... Charles bridge at this time is still pretty crowded ... but you must have omega freaked to get it past walls and statues and into that river. FML needs a "that's hilarious" option. ^_^

muffinsareyummy 1

it's really not that hard to put a quarter into a jewelry dispenser that you can find at walmart.

youthink_fml 0

Freaked out by pigeons? Are you sure she'll marry a pussy?

slaggerr 0

Hopefully you got the ring insured before popping the question. I popped the question over a week ago and I got the ring insured as soon as I bought it. I wasn't taking any chances on something bad happening. If you didn't get it insured, then you're an idiot.....

stanzskin 0

YDI for being freaked out by pigeons you spineless pussy. Forget about girls and find yourself a boyfriend.

vdubz 0

wow YDI. If you're afraid of pigeons then you are not mature enough to get married yet.