By sadguy - 22/09/2009 18:30 - Czech Republic

Today, I decided to propose to my girlfriend on the Charles Bridge in Prague. A little boy thought it would be fun to chase a flock of pigeons towards me. I freaked out and dropped the 2 carat diamond ring. Into the river. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 748
You deserved it 10 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have thrown that little bastard in after it.

You let pigeons scare you ... You could kill an infinite amount of pigeons if you were to fight them. Next time, go down heroically. There will be statues with your demeanor biting off pigeons their heads.


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Tell that to the girl he was going to propose to. I'm sorry to stereotype but most women are materialistic. It's in their nature >_>

In our nature? If that's your expectation of women then you will definitely end up with one who will drain your wallet.

**** that fancy diamond ring bullshit. I'm proposing with a huge motherfucking hot pink Ring Pop one day.

ALAN'S AN IDEA STEALER! Actually, we're just creepy.

SIMPSONS DID IT! We are, but we're awesomely creepy :]

SOUTHPARK DID IT TOO! Twin needs to get out of my head.

How do I do that if we're joined at the head?

I wouldn't trust any FMLers anywhere near a saw.

staffs might work. I trust them maybe 10% more than the commenters.

#43, RBG, I know what you are talking about. I'd mention the late, great commenter who made the greatest Ring Pop joke of all time, but she hates me and if I mentioned her by name, she probably peck out my liver.

We all know who you're talking about, plexico

I am! I am! I'm writing it all down, I'm checking it twice.

Not only that, but it's genetically programmed into our genetic code of conduct. A woman will be more attracted to and more willing to reproduce with a man who can prove that he can provide for her and her child. By buying expensive things for your girlfriend, you are saying "pick me, because I can take care of you".

I am. We have the internet in the hoosegow. Here's the takeaway lesson: Don't carry a gun in sweatpants. If they can't hold your junk securely, they sure can't hold your rod. Learn from my mistake.

2 carats!? ur soo cheap! thats nothing. Ive had cheap stuff thats not even real diamond but real gold have more carats. 14 caratts or more wow ur so cheap.

he said 2 carat diamond, not 2 carat gold

#87 genetic code has nothing to do with that, stop trying to be smarter with your words on the internet then you actually are in real life.

that sucks, 1st is an asshole, please mark him down

You should have thrown that little bastard in after it.

You let pigeons scare you ... You could kill an infinite amount of pigeons if you were to fight them. Next time, go down heroically. There will be statues with your demeanor biting off pigeons their heads.

100lol 0

I'm pretty sure you're being hipocritical when saying that. How about you try fighting a flock of pigeons while securing your diamond ring, which was suppose to go to your near wife?

NewEngland 0

That sucks. :( Prepositional phrases are not supposed to be. In separate sentences.

He used it purposefully. To simulate a pause. As an afterthought. For dramatic effect.

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