By nnnaaazzz - 24/10/2009 12:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I decided to pay a suprise visit to my boyfriend's house. I let myself in, walked up to his bedroom and found him dancing around. In the dress I had left the other weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 332
You deserved it 6 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL because you're jealous that he probably looked better in it than you.


AnnaCPierce 4

At leats he wasnt cheating on you?

bugmenotmofo 34

Wait, your in London... this is perfectly normal there!

LeedsFML 0

I bet you have never even been to London

bugmenotmofo, don't insult my city or I'll poke you in the eye.

perdix 29

Bonus! You wear the same size. You've just doubled you closet space and cut your clothing expense in half! You have a winner!

sublime93 0

Halloween"s in a week, maybe that's it? /silver lining

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

double FML if he looked better in it than you did.

For everyone who says this isnt a FML and that this could be worse and who cares... You all need help and a LOT of help. thankyou bye