By nnnaaazzz - 24/10/2009 12:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I decided to pay a suprise visit to my boyfriend's house. I let myself in, walked up to his bedroom and found him dancing around. In the dress I had left the other weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 332
You deserved it 6 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL because you're jealous that he probably looked better in it than you.


i'd be happy! but that's only cus i like drag queens

he mite have known you were comming and was being dirt

atleast he didnt ask or it made him look fat

i wouldve hit the floor laughing. i wouldnt be able to control myself lol

haha so funny you should have joined him and made it a sexy funny inside joke, don't be a spazzing ;)

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