Gordon Ramsey is furious

By sunitgir - 21/10/2019 06:00

Today, my mother decided to cook dinner for us and used rice that she had in her cupboard. While helping out, I stirred the dish and noticed black flecks. Turns out they were rice weevils. She tried to convince me it was "burnt garlic" and served it to the rest of the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 817
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

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So I'm reading this hoping you told the family about it before they ate it.

I don't know why people who eat shrimp have a problem eating insects. Boiled rice weevils are likely sterile.


my grandmother in law has them all over the rices. she says it's just extra protein, I dont feed my kids the rice when she makes them.

I don't know why people who eat shrimp have a problem eating insects. Boiled rice weevils are likely sterile.

i googled some info on rice weevils and found this "Weevils, whether in larval or adult stage, are not harmful to humans or animals. Although it may seem unsavory to you, they can be eaten along with any food they have infested without causing any ill effects." and like you're right, after they've been boiled they are likely sterile. also i agree with you on shrimp, i call them 'sea bugs'. i don't like shrimp tho and wouldn't eat rice weevils.

So I'm reading this hoping you told the family about it before they ate it.

I literally just had to Google what the hell a rice weevil is. I am now glad that I don't eat rice anyway since I can't stand the stuff... The fact that someone intentionally serves it to someone like that is disgusting. Ugh.