By Pimaan - 26/10/2011 16:14 - United States

Today, I decided to be a generous guy and slip a dollar from my pocket to a beggar. Turns out I'd slipped my hard-earned $100 bill instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 738
You deserved it 35 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you were feeling pretty generous.

I literally FELT your pain while reading this..


YDI for not checking to see if the bill you're handing over is a $1. And LOL at you considering giving a homeless guy $1 "generous". A little bit of money is not gonna make a difference in a homeless person's life. what they need is a place a stay and opportunities to become part of society. The next time you want to be generous, donate food, supplies, or money to a homeless shelter. Not only will you get more bang for your buck, but the people running the shelter will love you forever.

ImafukNskittleYO 4

Look at it this way: You helped someone more than you thought. :D

Just say u did it intentionally and people will think your a really good guy

i always keep at least 5 1 dollar bills on my pocket,so i can give someone like a beggar or just a stranger that needs a quick buck, the rest goes on my wallet or bank. It is not very wise to pull out your wallet in front of a beggar,specially here in NYC. FYL

At times like these, I'm glad my danish bills have a colour for every size.

turdontoast 8

Look at it this way. Maybe karma will pay you back for it, even if it was an accident. Or maybe it was karma's way of getting you back for something.

I'm shocked by how many people are referencing drugs, alcohol and prostitution as what this man asking for any thing you could give will be buying what is wrong with today's society that helping the fellow human being became such a taboo thing? Karma will pay you back both the negative people and the positive people I'm utterly shocked and sick to my stomach, let's hope none of you ever have to beg for help

1)This is the Internet, people make jokes like this all the time. Get over it. 2)People here don't think helping people is taboo. I personally think that money is better spent on homeless shelters or organizations that actually HELP homeless people become a part of society. That way your money goes more to people who are trying to better themselves.

rayne_313 0

well, my dear, let's take a look at some statistics...

pippacrawford 4

Call it good karma and move on. There are worse things in life than feeding a homeless man for a good while

p8ntcheck 4

How can he possibly deserve that? Op was being generose and gave the bum a 100 by accident

I think it's very sad OP felt $1 was being generous. I have mixed feelings about beggars but when a generous mood strikes me, I give enough so they can at least buy a meal.