No friends, no problems

By Anonymous - 10/05/2023 17:00 - Ireland - Waterford

Today, I realized the only things I do are work and sleep. My only friends are coworkers who I make small talk with. I live alone so I’ve got nothing there either. I can’t remember the last time I felt happy, or spoke to someone. Everyday is just a blur. I have no hobbies, no goals. Getting older is so fun, right? FML
I agree, your life sucks 904
You deserved it 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My suggestion is to see a counselor or to take up a hobby that interests you… When I divorced my first wife, I was suddenly like you described. I took advantage of the company’s paid counseling service. One thing I learned is that social skills are learned skills. Some of us missed out on the dating and socializing skills when we were growing up. But they are skills that can be learned. You’ll never be Don Juan or the female equivalent, or live the life of a rock star, but who wants that? You can acquire dating skills and you can find hobbies that are satisfying to you. I suggest a 2 for 1 approach on the hobbies - Pick something that interests you and involves at least occasionally getting together with other enthusiasts. That will give you a common interest to talk about. But stay the hell away from political groups - Just too much polarization there.

hobbies, or even a kitty cat to come home and snuggle up to may be helpful. and since it's getting warmer out, on your breaks/lunches and weekends take walks, find new restaurants or places to explore, read a new book, turn the small talk with co-workers into activities you can do outside of work


My suggestion is to see a counselor or to take up a hobby that interests you… When I divorced my first wife, I was suddenly like you described. I took advantage of the company’s paid counseling service. One thing I learned is that social skills are learned skills. Some of us missed out on the dating and socializing skills when we were growing up. But they are skills that can be learned. You’ll never be Don Juan or the female equivalent, or live the life of a rock star, but who wants that? You can acquire dating skills and you can find hobbies that are satisfying to you. I suggest a 2 for 1 approach on the hobbies - Pick something that interests you and involves at least occasionally getting together with other enthusiasts. That will give you a common interest to talk about. But stay the hell away from political groups - Just too much polarization there.

hobbies, or even a kitty cat to come home and snuggle up to may be helpful. and since it's getting warmer out, on your breaks/lunches and weekends take walks, find new restaurants or places to explore, read a new book, turn the small talk with co-workers into activities you can do outside of work

alw123 3

You have the power to change that, you know? Do something different, step outside your comfort zone, even if it’s just once a week. Making small changes can open up a whole new world.

With your frugal lifestyle, I'll bet you're racking up the savings. When you have money, you can always hire "friends," if you know what I mean, and for an additional fee, there can be "benefits," if you know what I mean. Know what I mean?

hey a pet cats and dogs are great companions