By Anonymous - 23/07/2012 08:08 - United States - Rock Springs

By Anonymous - 23/07/2012 08:08 - United States - Rock Springs
By girlllll - 01/06/2010 12:31 - Denmark
By PissedOff - 26/01/2017 14:25
By woopdeedo_1 - 07/03/2010 19:56 - United Kingdom
By ScarredEars - 12/08/2010 12:02 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/06/2019 05:15
By Anonymous - 09/02/2013 05:08 - United Kingdom - Frome
By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 05:21 - Canada
By Anonymous - 20/01/2013 02:55 - Canada
By xtilltheendx - 05/10/2020 20:08 - United States
By XxMe123xx - 19/08/2010 00:51 - France
That's gotta suck :(
9- it was a bunk bead
19 - She's getting thumbed down because the epic history of "FIRST!" comments have led to a culture on FML with very specific rules: 1. Do not write "FIRST" as your first comment. 2. Do not "waste" the first comment by writing 2 words like "that sucks" just to be first 3. Do not say "that sucks" or "sorry OP" anywhere. According to the comments of the FML masses, "It's FML of course it sucks!" 4. Do not comment on the first comment unless it is related to the comment itself. If you reply with an unrelated comment you are "thread jacking" and the mods will drag you down to the torture chamber. 5. Overused puns are overused. (See "Doesn't matter, had sex" or "That sucks" on a bj-related FML) While I disagree with most of these rules, I dare not defy the FML gods and their army of commenters. They will tear you limb from limb if you say 2 words, but give you 500 thumbs up if those same 2 words were uttered by DocBastard :)
Sorry perdix, but her rules still apply because your comment wasn't appropriate as it got moderated.
These people make no sense at all. Marc and perdix seem to be the only ones with comments that are comprehensible.
What's the name of this app?
30's survival app for FML. Very accurate.
Op must be one heavy sleeper. If the sex was picked up then it must have been loud I assume or not and just loud enough to be heard.
I bet she did, 1. I bet she did.
Your reeeeaaalllly hot! :)
"Doesn't matter, had sex" isn't a pun, it's a meme.
No shit, thats why its on FML.
MR KRABS (read in a sponge Bob voice) if your gonna talk like a sailor you're gonna work like a sailor. Any body... No, oh okay.
Are you suppose to listen to the app for the whole 8 hours that you slept?
3 - I was wondering the same thing, since I've been told I snore too. But I'm assuming the phone is constantly recording but recording over itself every few seconds, and if it detects any noise it saves the recording and records a little longer. So basically all you'd have in the morning would be the times you snored. Or of course random sounds from your parents' room...
I have one like this, it records when there's noise. My blanket is sort of loud so when I turn over it records for A couple seconds or when I snore! It's actually pretty cool but not in the OPs case!
If the "snoring" lasted for the entire 8 hours his dad is a champ.
I found an app on the app store called "Dream Talk Recorder". It's free and says it only records when there is a noise and you can adjust the sensitivity so you don't get unwanted far away noises or normal noises that occur.
why not just use the recording app thats already on the phone?
The one I have for my iPhone is 'Smart Alarm' :)
I have an app that records you while you sleep but it only records the sounds you make and shows you what time you made that noise instead of having to listen to 8 hours of sleep
What is this app?
The phone(or iPod) has been diseased with the sounds of your parents. Burn it!
My parents would probably say that my snoring actually sounds like them having sex…
You should play it for them.
"Hey, mom! I want an iPhone!" "No." *Plays recording* "...Honey, let's go get you a brand new iPhone!"
Why would she buy an iPhone? It's not like OP is blackmailing her mother.
That is true, but she has to make it up for Op for being scarred like that.
At least you proved your friends wrong. Unless the sound of your parents having sex suppressed your snoring.
I would just tell my friends that I do snore. Better than telling them what you heard last night
Or tell them you don't snore and don't tell them what you heard.
Well, that sure is something that you will never forget.
Are you suppose to listen to the app for the whole 8 hours that you slept?
You should play it for them.