By cheat - 18/10/2009 11:30 - United States

Today, I cheated at card games to let my boyfriend win. I did it because I don't like him to throw the cards at me when I win. Now he just thinks I'm 'so slow a turtle could kick my ass' and that he has 'a cute little bubbly spud-brained girlfriend.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 107
You deserved it 37 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JillianIsLoveee 0

You should dump him He's an ass

ihatestupidppl 0

Wow, your boyfriend is a douche.


yourkiddingright_fml 0

Take a good look in the mirror and ask that person why you feel you have to accept such a loser in your life!

Um... Why are you going out with him again?

lol, this one is hilarious. My ex used to cheat at card games all the time in order to win so she could throw her cards at me. Key word "ex".

eff_em4ell 0
theRovingMage 0

Please tell me he's now your ex-boyfriend. No one deserves to be treated that way, especially by someone who claims to love them.

She never said he loved her. Maybe it's just for the sex, and that could go both ways.

Best reply I've heared. And it acctually works.

...And you're still with this puerile asshat, why?

Boy everyone here is psychic.... Do I really have to state my opinion on this one?