By cheat - 18/10/2009 11:30 - United States

Today, I cheated at card games to let my boyfriend win. I did it because I don't like him to throw the cards at me when I win. Now he just thinks I'm 'so slow a turtle could kick my ass' and that he has 'a cute little bubbly spud-brained girlfriend.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 107
You deserved it 37 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JillianIsLoveee 0

You should dump him He's an ass

ihatestupidppl 0

Wow, your boyfriend is a douche.


Next time you get to play him in whatever game you guys get into, smoke him. Play it as best as you can, and then dumb his ass once you're victorious. Double win!

spectator 0

You've already outgrown him. Move on to someone who will respect your intelligence and respect you too.

YDI for playing cards with Jim when you know he's a dick about losing.

Have you dumped him yet? Yes? Good. No? No, you haven't left him? THEN GTFO ALREADY.

Professor59 2

If you stay with him, you are exactly what he says you are.

this exact thing has happened to me. it makes you want to scream at them about how pathetic they are!!!

YDI for acting dumb around him. Dump him and leave.

Wtf, unless he's "just joking", dump his ass. He sounds like an immature dick. :|

inconvienentgurl 0

leave him like the dumass he is hunny u can do way better if u have to cheat or dum down for him he isnt worth it!!!!

He throws a hissy fit when he loses and insults and belittles you when he wins? Get out. Now. It's not going to get better.