By Sarah grace - 30/10/2017 01:30

Today, I challenged my husband to look after our twins by himself all day, like I normally do. When I got home, both babies had on clean nappies and clothes, dinner was cooked, the house was spotless, and 3 loads of washing were done. Smug bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 562
You deserved it 7 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gee, I'm sorry to hear that. Still, it's not to late to dump him and find the incompetent deadbeat of your dreams.

julfunky 29

To be fair, having to do that for one day is doable. Having to do it constantly is exhausting.


PenguinPal3017 19

It sounds like you have a great man.

19mackay92ally 4

be happy he's good with the kids and everything else instead of feeling like he 1 up'd you sounds like a good father like you're a good mum

julfunky 29

To be fair, having to do that for one day is doable. Having to do it constantly is exhausting.

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Yeah, have him do it for a month, then see who the smug one is.

BeardedLondoner 24

Then what if he done it? Then what would you have to say? ********.

And then have zero people paying the bills?

julfunky 29

Apparently not since you failed to notice that I never said she didn’t normally do this.

Gee, I'm sorry to hear that. Still, it's not to late to dump him and find the incompetent deadbeat of your dreams.

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people always downvote you. idk why. everything you say is in jest. not like you are serious.

Just because it's meant as a joke doesn't make it funny, not do people have to like it. If course it's a joke. And not funny.

Thank you for recognizing that. I feel sad for those who cannot.

azouwa 26

I upvote you just because it's YOU. lol I find your twisted humor encouraging.

I just have tried to look at this comment from the view point of a downvoter. Is it even possible to take a statement like "he has demonstrated that you are unnecessary. Your influence in the relationship has plummeted to near zero." as serious? The exaggeration within this statement should tell everyone, that this is a joke.

Said in jest =\= actually funny. Sometimes you hit the mark; sometimes not so much.

If this is an example of the typical down-voted comment, then I'm not surprised in the least. "Jest" commenting a common opinion of twatwaffles doesn't make a person clever or even recognizably attempting humor. It, in passing, will always look like you're aligning literally. Repeating the terrible opinions of misogynists and claiming them as a joke simply makes me think you have a fedora collection.

exileonmainst 16

My god, how long can you stand for such behaviour? I’ll bet that he even made you come that night! Smug bastard.