By Anonymous - 15/10/2011 01:48 - Canada

Today, I came home from school to find almost every single personal possession and piece of furniture from my bedroom all laid out or disassembled in the back yard. My dad smugly told me I'd better start moving it all back. This is his revenge for me salting his coffee this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 168
You deserved it 41 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poemqueen 15

You shouldn't have salted his coffee then!

1st off Coffee is Holy you never mess with it so you definitely deserved it/ 2nd I like your dad's creativity, you got to respect the effort he put into that one


FYLDeep 25

I can't imagine why he would do that. Sure it's a good gag, but that was probably a shit ton of work. Reminds me of those guys that went into their friend's apartment and wrapped literally everything in there up with wrapping paper. I guess they at least got a ton of hits on YouTube so their effort wasn't meritless. I know I wouldn't have the patience to spend that much time pranking someone.

Never salt someone's coffee. Your punishment could have been worse!!

my2centsworth 15

You should never mess with someone's caffeine.

perdix 29

If he's got high blood pressure, you may have been trying to kill him. Or, if he's a slug.

Why the hell would you salt his coffee? Way to **** up his morning. He should salt yours tomorrow morning when you wake up tired and sore from moving your shit.

I see what you did there, you sly boots -_-

alaskanhybrid 5

You are lucky. If I was him I would do it on a different day forcasted for sure to have rain. You so got lucky there, for salting his coffee.

O.o you make it sound like the kid has coke in his pocket. o.o the crap is too expensive to just pull a prank. "I'm a hobo, and I approve this message."