This guy grudges

By PocketTrash - 20/03/2020 21:00

Today, my dad is still mad because I tossed his empty coffee can over 3 days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 390
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WistayShlaio82 13

Was there money in it? Old people put spare change and lose dollars in coffee cans.

Are you sure it was empty? You probably threw out some cash or weed or other contraband, like bitcoin.


Are you sure it was empty? You probably threw out some cash or weed or other contraband, like bitcoin.

WistayShlaio82 13

Was there money in it? Old people put spare change and lose dollars in coffee cans.

Don't make generalizations about us old people! I put my loose change in a Lizzo bobblehead, because I'm hip.

Your dad sucks too. Why are people so angry over the dumbest BS?!