By Anonymous - 22/11/2013 20:51 - United States - Lake Stevens

Today, my father took revenge on me for bankrupting him in a game of Monopoly. His revenge consisted of having a truckload of sand dumped in my driveway while I was at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 317
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, I kind of expect it. Monopoly ruins relationships.

You should get back at him by sending envelopes to his address full of Thank You cards with monopoly money inside...


I mean, I kind of expect it. Monopoly ruins relationships.

michaelaranda 28

this bad? I mean, it probably required a lot of effort and planning on ops dads part

cheshirecat13242 32

Life's a beach.. He really brought that one home to ya, huh?


AnOriginalName 19

To be fair, #23, a lot of construction companies are often willing to deliver waste materials like dirt/sand for free. Otherwise, they have to pay to dump the materials at a landfill or someplace similar. To the OP: call a few tree-cutting companies in the area and ask them to dump a couple yards of mulch on your dad's driveway. Two can play at this game.

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

23- Well, OP shouldn't have taken Boardwalk. OPs dad really wanted it. It was totally justifiable to dump a truckload of sand on someone's driveway for that. (sarcasm for all you humorless folk)

Atleast it wasn't with your boyfriend and best friend and your boyfriend got so mad he said he cheated on you with your best friend last night..

154rct 7

Its almost as bad as the uno draw four

How do those Parker Brothers sleep at night?

On their piles of money. Although that wouldn't be very sanitary.

You should get back at him by sending envelopes to his address full of Thank You cards with monopoly money inside...

That's an awesome idea #5. I'm going to turn to you should I ever need a revenge plan!

If he ever needs money, give him all Monopoly dollars and then ask why he's upset.

You should take a dump in his driveway

ninety 25

I mean, I guess that's a good method of revenge if you're eight years old. Or a wild animal.

look at his profile picture, he is eight years old

"oh no a dump on my drive way, must definitely be my 30 year old son/daughter getting revenge."

No I think the fact you didn't let him be the thimble factored more into to it

It's definitely time for a dead fish under the seat of his vehicle.

That is easy to find. Get stinky cheese or shrimp, stick it in the vents. But that is mean and probably taking it too far.

cryssycakesx3 22

crack an egg into the radiator... maybe not such a good idea if you ever want to hear from him again though

Go to your local seafood market and buy some fish. Everyday put a piece of it under eaxh floor mat of his car. Slowly but surely, the stank shall grow.