By Iwasjustmovingout - 05/05/2019 00:00

Today, out of the blue, my husband suggested to his parents that they move to our town for the next six months, with the understanding that we’d see them nearly every day. I found out about this when they starting making plans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 946
You deserved it 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do they not like you? Or do you not like them? I need more info before I can come up with a comedy gem like “sounds like a shitty situation.”

I know a lot of people hate their in-laws, but how bad do they have to be if you don't want your husband to see his parents on a daily basis? Although considering your user name, I'm wondering if you're on the brink of divorcing him, and now you feel you can't leave, because they'll be close by, and it'd be awkward to run into them after you've left your husband. Whatever the case may be, you should talk to your husband before it's too late.


julfunky 29

They’re not moving into your house. I don’t see the problem.

Do they not like you? Or do you not like them? I need more info before I can come up with a comedy gem like “sounds like a shitty situation.”

I know a lot of people hate their in-laws, but how bad do they have to be if you don't want your husband to see his parents on a daily basis? Although considering your user name, I'm wondering if you're on the brink of divorcing him, and now you feel you can't leave, because they'll be close by, and it'd be awkward to run into them after you've left your husband. Whatever the case may be, you should talk to your husband before it's too late.

You should meet mine. My partner avoids them as much as he possibly can, and we lived in the same town as them for 4.5 years

First- OP said "we'd" see them every day. Her husband, without ever talking to her about it, made plans on her behalf for EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR SIX MONTHS. I'm sorry your life is so empty that you never have any plans, but for the rest of us who have jobs and friends and hobbies and pets, it's really hard to accept that someone decided that every single day you have a social engageent. And that's even if she loved her in-laws. Even if OP skips it, she is still reasonably pissed off to find out that her husband has decided that for six months his first priority is mommy and daddy, not even allowing for the idea that his wife might need or want some time with him. That level of enmeshment with parents is insane, and making major life plans with mommy and daddy and not even thinking of talking to your wife is a serious, serious sign of bad priorities and sick relationship.

You must have a terrible relationship with your family to think like that.

I hope you divorced that control freak.