By chinchilla4404 - 02/08/2011 14:17 - United States

Today, I broke my leg while trying to show my friend how I broke my other leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 136
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SGarcia22 0

"So I was walking along the edge of the garage roof, like this, except I wasn't struggling with crutches the first time. Then my foot slipped, like this, and -- oops!"


denvan 0

Now you know you're not re flexible elastic woman

Crash_1524 0

"I broke my leg down these steps and this is how" D;

lol you are one smart person "wanna see how i broke my leg guys" "ok" 2 mins later "OW!!" "my good leg" :( "now how will I walk"

Yes it did I was trying to show my friend which step I slipped on and then I fell....... again

KaskStunter 4
aztecz0r 6

maybe you showed him in two much detail

Would have been a pretty accurate demonstration...