By Anonymous - 27/08/2014 21:50 - United States - Franklin Park

Today, I bought some noise-canceling headphones. They work well. Too well. My mom came home, unpacked her shopping, walked upstairs, knocked on my door, opened my door, and found me jacking off to a porno, all without me hearing a thing. Fucking hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 388
You deserved it 43 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really gotta watch it with those things..Try using just one..

Yeah I was just about to say... That's why you only wear one while doing that man. That's just stupid lol that's jack off 101


why don't you jerk off in the shower like a normal person.

MegroKitty 8

that's why you always leave one ear open just in case...

I always make sure I'd be able to hear someone coming from a mile away haha

ydi thats a noob mistake, always keep one ear free

pretty good headphones , but maybe a little too good .

Nothing worse than an unexpected tap on your shoulder during the vinegar strokes!

What headphones are these?! I'd like to buy them!