Class dismissed

By Anonymous - 27/05/2021 08:01

Today, I was watching porn with no headphones, because my roommate had left for work. He didn’t fill me in that his girlfriend was, one, even over at our place, and two was using the room next to me to teach her third grade class. Yeah. I’m going to get headphones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 662
You deserved it 1 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

How would you not hear her teaching?

Ambrily 27

Sounds of people having sex were probably louder than the children's voices.


ojoRojo 27

How would you not hear her teaching?

Ambrily 27

Sounds of people having sex were probably louder than the children's voices.

bleachedraven 14

Disrespectful. That crosses boundaries if you didnt want her there.

bleachedraven 14

probably just move, let the girlfriend have the place.

I predict the next FML from this person will be that they were wearing headphones, watching ****, and distracted and someone walks in on them while OP has the trowser snake in hand… But seriously why would you need the volume up so high on **** that it was obvious from an adjacent room? It’s not like the story is hard to follow and you cannot miss a single sound. I have nothing against **** or self gratification when you are alone. But if there are roommates then either be quiet (and keep your door closed and locked) or check if someone else is there. There is always the possibility that your roommate (or their girlfriend or boyfriend) are there somewhere within earshot. Oh and there have been FML’s about the home stereo being linked via Bluetooth to the **** that another OP was watching (while using headphones) and being told by the Dad that “they need to talk”. So bear that in mind…

The volume doesn't have to be high. So many inner walls are paper thin that it doesn't matter. Just having it at an audible range could be heard. This is definitely an issue with roommates not being nice to share info. What if he was naked in the kitchen and she walked in? Embarrass both of them because you didn't inform your roommate? Lol